"To work with God-power you must give it right-of-way and still the reasoning mind. The instant you ask, Infinite Intelligence knows the way to fulfillment. Man’s part is to rejoice and give thanks, and act his Faith." ~Florence Scovel Shinn
I opened Blessings this morning and saw this quote. I suppose many who know me would find this funny. I am struggling to learn to trust my intuition--to listen to the many messages I receive that are, to me, not at all logical. I stumble a lot with "quieting the reasoning mind."
I have a very close friend who can tell if I start theorizing about something, that the intellectual curiosity is really none other than deflection from feeling the intensity of the moment. This defense mechanism has served a purpose and, frankly, I’m thankful that it’s a tool I can use. Yet, for me to be an effective therapist, I have to get out of my own way. I need to listen and be quiet and trust—myself.
I opened Blessings this morning and saw this quote. I suppose many who know me would find this funny. I am struggling to learn to trust my intuition--to listen to the many messages I receive that are, to me, not at all logical. I stumble a lot with "quieting the reasoning mind."
I have a very close friend who can tell if I start theorizing about something, that the intellectual curiosity is really none other than deflection from feeling the intensity of the moment. This defense mechanism has served a purpose and, frankly, I’m thankful that it’s a tool I can use. Yet, for me to be an effective therapist, I have to get out of my own way. I need to listen and be quiet and trust—myself.
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