Sometimes life is a day at the beach
August 13th
Of course, I forgot the sunscreen on a day that was above 80. But, it was so nice to lie in the sun and read. So peaceful. There is no place that I would have rather been. And no one I would have rather been with.

B. and I went to Golden Gardens, where you can see the Olympics in the distance. It was absolutely breathtaking today.
I remember going to the same beach years ago on my birthday before meeting friends for dinner. I think it was 2002. I spent several hours sitting on the beach alone, writing in my journal. So much of what I wrote about that day has somehow manifested—and in ways that I could not have foreseen. Life’s funny that way. (This was before my car accidents and the thoughts of counseling, before Write Image, before the head injuries and physical therapy, before I was ready to let anyone into my life).
I don’t know how the things I wished for came to be. But they did.
Today, there was a moment that I was overcome by the beauty surrounding me. In an impulse, I walked out into the water, shivering at first and then welcoming the cool burning sensation on my skin. Waves came, moving my body with them. I thought about just how powerful writing what you want can be. And I had a moment where I felt connected.
Of course, I forgot the sunscreen on a day that was above 80. But, it was so nice to lie in the sun and read. So peaceful. There is no place that I would have rather been. And no one I would have rather been with.

B. and I went to Golden Gardens, where you can see the Olympics in the distance. It was absolutely breathtaking today.
I remember going to the same beach years ago on my birthday before meeting friends for dinner. I think it was 2002. I spent several hours sitting on the beach alone, writing in my journal. So much of what I wrote about that day has somehow manifested—and in ways that I could not have foreseen. Life’s funny that way. (This was before my car accidents and the thoughts of counseling, before Write Image, before the head injuries and physical therapy, before I was ready to let anyone into my life).
I don’t know how the things I wished for came to be. But they did.
Today, there was a moment that I was overcome by the beauty surrounding me. In an impulse, I walked out into the water, shivering at first and then welcoming the cool burning sensation on my skin. Waves came, moving my body with them. I thought about just how powerful writing what you want can be. And I had a moment where I felt connected.
I guess this is where the comfort line is of sharing personal information? I’ll give you the bulleted list, and spare you what I wrote.
A home of my own with a big yard and lots of light that’s near the water (the list goes on)
Friends over at sunset, sipping wine, being surrounded by laughter
Koya…(Believe it or not, what I wrote is pretty much an exact description of him, even his playful spirit)
Health and happiness for my family
Strong relationships with both Nick and my dad
Tomatoes and tulips in the garden (I did have both at one time, before the Morning Glory took over!)
Work that uses my talents and pays me well, colleagues that I highly respect
Finding my life’s calling
Going back to school for a second MA
Writing more (for myself)
Kayaking, skiing, hiking, seeing the Northwest in all its beauty
Allowing myself to love someone fully
Traveling (though I have not done much lately)
Running consistently, getting back into shape
Learning to see the good in all of life, even its great challenges
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