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Tuesday, May 20

Time out

I am so very thankful for having so many new clients.

And for having a writing job to earn some extra money.

And for getting the house ready to put on the market--whatever comes from it. It looks fantastic! I am trying to be open about whatever comes and believe that all things happen for a reason.

All of that being said, it has really been a rough few weeks and my energy has felt really scattered. I have been running, running, running.

This afternoon, I passed another milestone. I finished preparation for and gave a 10 minute speech. Although I got nervous, it went much better (and quicker) than I had anticipated. There are lots of business things I need to do (and prob. should do) right now before going back to the office to see clients. I've got calls to follow up on, referrals to make. The writing project is still looming. Not to mention that I need to print out new intake and disclosure forms, because (and I'm so happy about this) I have even more new clients coming in this week.

Instead, I'm going to take my own advice--and go for a walk in this beautiful sunshine, take time to recharge, and count all of my blessings!


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